Java 8 TemporalAdjusters. Java 8 new features indepth. Overview In this article, You'll learn how to compare two dates in java and also how to compare the dates in java 8. If-else condition example 2. If the returned value is 0, it means both dates are same.
ParseException; import java. SimpleDateFormat; import java. Date 1 and Date 2 are equals? LocalDate; import java. DateTime 1 and DateTime 2 are equals? In fact, since LocalDate doesn't have a public constructor , we can't really ever call new on it. It addressed the issues present in the original API, which there were plenty of. It also served as an inspiration and starting point to overhaul the whole API, which resulted in the current java.
With Joda-Time we can use up to eight different calendar systems, manipulate time zones, or even define our own custom calendars.
But more importantly, we don't have to worry about mutability. Rather than representing dates as instances in time, Joda-Time represents them as actual dates. The DateTimeComparator class is specifically made to compare dates. This method returns an integer result, just like the compareTo method, where -1 means the first date is before the second, 0 means they're the same, and 1 means that the first object is after the second:. Extending Comparable , the LocalDate class has a compareTo method, which returns an integer greater, less, or equal to zero.
The fields are compared in order and the first field that is non-equal is used to determine the result:. In this article, we've covered several ways to compare dates in Java. We've used the now-deprecated java. Date class, for older proejcts, and the java. Calendar class. If you want to learn in-depth, you can also check out these Java 8 online courses to learn how to use the new Date and Time API of Java 8 in your old and new Java application.
How to check if two dates are equal in Java There are two ways to check if two dates are equal in Java : Date's equals method - return true if two dates are equal Date's compareTo method - return zero if two dates are equal If you are doing an equality check then it makes sense to use the equals method.
How to check if a date comes before or after another There are three ways to check if one date comes before or after another date in JDK, without using any third-party library like joda. Date's before and after method - will return true or false 2. Calendar's before and after method - return true or false 3.
All these methods perform a comparison based upon millisecond values only, as shown in the below code of before and after methods of java. Date to java. Date in Java? Date and java.