Where is colonial beach

Things to Do. Explore Colonial Beach, Virginia. We look forward to welcoming you! Read More. Tour Colonial Beach!

Take an interactive tour to discover all the secrets of Colonial Beach! Explore Now. Number of convenience stores with gas : 6 This county : 3.

Virginia : 4. Number of full-service restaurants : 18 Here : Virginia : 7. Adult diabetes rate : Here : Adult obesity rate : This county : Low-income preschool obesity rate : Westmoreland County : Healthy diet rate : Colonial Beach: Average overall health of teeth and gums : Colonial Beach: Average BMI : This city: People feeling badly about themselves : Colonial Beach: People not drinking alcohol at all : This city: 9.

Average hours sleeping at night : This city: 6. Overweight people : This city: General health condition : This city: Average condition of hearing : This city: Here: 8. Here: 7. WWZZ WBQB WJYJ WWUZ VaS Lat: According to the data from the years - the average number of fire incidents per year is The highest number of reported fire incidents - took place in , and the least - 34 in The data has a declining trend.

When looking into fire subcategories, the most incidents belonged to: Outside Fires Top Patent Applicants. Chesapeake Bay Beaches - Mainland 29 replies. Housed in a former garage, they have already had to expand once to fit in their growing fan base. Pet-friendly patio, live music, large TVs and nice variety of tasty beverages makes a great place to spend some time when you come off the beach, a few blocks away. Monroe Bay Vineyard - Small farm winery and cidery located just off the beach. Winemaker Kiki Apple brought her love of fine wines from her home in the South of France to this quiet town, and this love is reflected in the products she makes.

Relaxed and friendly tasting room and store front in town, with a beautiful straw-bale barn on Monroe Bay under construction now. Dockside Restaurant and Tiki Bar - Great food and tiki bar atmosphere with plenty of space to unwind with family and friends. Sandy beaches and plenty of room for the kids to play in the water and sand while mom and dad have an Orange Crush or two. Live music makes it even harder to leave this spot right at the point of the peninsula.

High Tides on the Potomac - Beachfront restaurant with a sandy tiki bar complete with live music and an outdoor grill. Fun spot to grab a drink and still be beachfront. Oysters grilled, fried or raw are some of the best in the state! The Lighthouse - Located on Monroe Bay with some of the best sunsets around, folks come by water or land to try their delicious French or Thai cuisine.

Tides Inn - Full course meals, breads, pizzas, lunches, soups and salads are all available from Culinary Institute of America graduate Caitlin Townsend. Chicken salad stuffed avocado really wowed me! The Colonial Beach area is roughly ten feet above sea level. Keep right at the exit and yield to traffic. Go straight and follow this road Rt. Keep following it until you get to the intersection of Routes and 3.

You'll see signs for George Washington's Birthplace. Turn right and go for about ten miles. You'll come to a stoplight where there's a Shell gas station ahead on the right. Turn left at this intersection onto Route Take Route for about 9 miles and viola! You're in Colonial Beach! On Route Enjoy the scenic drive on Route towards Tappahannock.

Once you get to Tappahannock, turn right and cross over the Rappahannock River and head towards Warsaw. Turn left when you get to where Route intersects with Route 3. There is a stoplight here. Follow Route 3 through Montross and keep going.

After about 10 miles you'll see a Shell gas station ahead on your left.


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