The steps to change margins remain the same. The horizontal ruler displayed below the Word menu provides another way to change the margins in your document. Before you begin, display the ruler. If the ruler is not displayed above your document, select View and place a checkmark next to Ruler to display the ruler.
The ruler is not available in Word Online. When you need a certain size margin for a document, use the custom settings. Documents that will be bound need extra margin space for the binding.
This gutter margin ensures the binding doesn't interfere with the white space around the text. You cannot create gutter margins in Word Online. Switch to the desktop version of Word to set gutter margins. Documents printed on both sides of the page and bound, such as books and magazines, use a special margin setting. These mirror margins ensure the right and left pages are mirror images of each other. When your document is divided into sections, you can apply different margin sizes to different sections.
This feature is not available in Word Online. To change the margins for a single section:. Word can display boundary lines that show you where the margins are in your document. Remember to Refresh your page. Microsoft Word has long had the option of displaying the page margins as "text boundaries. Note that the Horizontal and Vertical Rulers also display the margins, but this is not quite as intuitive for many users.
Here are two screenshots of the same document in Word with Text Boundaries displayed and not displayed:. Many Word users use this feature to tell them, at a glance, where their page margins are. Shauna Kelly recommended turning them on in her beginner's tutorial. Paragraph formatting, such as full justification, is automatically applied to the current paragraph without having to manually select all of the text. However, to fully justify multiple paragraphs, you need to manually select the range.
Once this formatting is applied, the beginning and ending words on each line will align with the left and right margins to create a block effect. The exception is the last line of each paragraph, which uses standard left alignment. Click Advanced. Check the Show text boundaries box. Did this summary help you?
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