How long is lair of the shadow broker dlc

Go further down the hall, dealing with the last few mercs, and loot another 4, credits from just outside the Shadow Broker's lair. After a lengthy cutscene, you and Liara must deal with the Shadow Broker. Use your standard anti-shield and anti-armor weaponry on him, and run like hell any time he gets close. After the first time you manage to get him down to zero, he'll replenish his own reserves and pull out a portable version of the Collectors' plasma shield.

Infiltrators can just cloak and sneak around to shoot him in the back, while anyone else is going to have to carefully shoot around the shield. Deplete the Shadow Broker's shields and armor, then run up to him and land a melee attack. The third time you punch him in the chops, Liara will end the fight for you.

Your reward for dismantling the Shadow Broker's operation includes 45, credits' worth of Cerberus funding. After the debriefing screen, you'll end up in the Shadow Broker's base, which turns out to be in the Sowilo system; the three closest planets are actually quite rich in minerals, if you feel like doing some scanning on your way back to civilization.

At this point, you can use the various terminals in the Shadow Broker's base for a variety of options. If you feel like gambling, fund various operations throughout the galaxy; while you have a good chance of seeing a solid return on any mission you fund, there's also a chance it'll fail entirely and you'll lose the cash.

You can also read the Broker's dossiers on your teammates, and watch a variety of entertaining surveillance videos of various characters you've run into elsewhere in the game.

Of particular interest: that reporter on the Citadel getting punched out by every alien race that can make a fist. Before you move on, be sure to talk to Liara in the Shadow Broker's base. You can invite her back to the Normandy for a drink, which is worth an achievement. Shepard can also rekindle their relationship with Liara if she was his love interest in Mass Effect 1. But then she will go back to the Shadow Broker's base.

Mass Effect 2 Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 22 Jul am. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Once again stepping into the role of the heroic Commander Shepard, gamers command their crew on a suicide mission in space. Lair of the Shadow Broker holds up really well -- it's still gorgeous, expertly-plotted and -written with just the right amount of fan service for us Liara fangirls. It is showing its age in some ways, and at times it feels like you're just walking down an endless corridor playing out the same fight different ways.

At least the level design is varied and exciting, unlike Arrival. But it's still the highlight mission throughout the entire game, and works well as an epilogue. I love that they took the most popular romance option and intentionally cordoned her off behind trauma and her own personal vendetta. It's been so long since I played this save that I can't say if my Shep banged Jack or not, but I know for a fact that he did not romance her. The pic was never turned down. I did have Kelly up several times to dance and cuddle and Liara never mentioned this.

I then played a save where I had romanced Miranda. Liara mentioned Ms. Lawson's low cut jump suit and everything else played out exactly the same. No difference, except for that one sentence.

I'm now doing a game where I did not touch Jack or anyone else to see how it goes. Should get to Liara today to find out. I just expected more from Liara depending on if you were faithful or not. Just a minor gripe and doesn't affect my overall score for the fantastic DLC. More and more, I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for Chris Redfield. More topics from this board Legendary edition reveals ME2 is the worst of the triology.

How exactly do I keep both Jacks and Mirandas loyalty? Build 5 Answers Aria's cache of goodies? The small "diagonal" box where the back corridor debouches into the next big room is a good starting cover while you survey the room. There will only appear to be one enemy at first, but as soon as you engage the rest will arrive. Advance slowly, and only after eliminating some enemies, as many more will spawn suddenly as you approach the other end of the corridor.

The Engineers have Combat Drones and the Agents have Flashbang Grenades , so be prepared to shift cover locations when necessary. You may find it safer to hide among the cubicles and desks on the right side of this corridor, since it exposes you to fewer enemies at a time and allows you to pick some off individually.

Combat Strategy: Keep your squadmates in cover back down the hallway from the small diagonal box the start of this portion of the section. Have Shepard take cover back from the box so that the mercs can't hit Shepard. The shadow broker mercs will look like they are going to flank you to the right in the cubicle area but they won't. Peek out into the room and take down the mercs using weapons and powers. As you eliminate the mercs, have Shepard run out into the room to trigger the remaining waves of mercs and then run back to the cover area.

Watch out for the combat drone that the Engineer spawns often. Just run back down the starting hallway, the combat drone will follow Shepard, and your squadmates will take it down.

No need to waste ammo. Also, on a purely aesthetic note, there is quite a nice display of planetary mining locations in the room with the cubicles -- if you played the original Mass Effect you will have Mako flashbacks. Shepard radios Vasir about it and she says to find a switch to active the fire suppression systems.

Vasir mentions that she is on her way down, so move up to meet her. Tip: The fire suppression room is a good location to save your game for the upcoming sections. On the upper level, be prepared for more combat with three more Agents. Use the limited cover to take them out, and have your squadmates flank, then head into the room they were guarding. Open the door to continue. Combat Strategy: Keep your squadmates in cover at the bottom of the stairway and have Shepard peek around the corner up the stairs at the three Agents once they spawn.

The Agents will not come down the stairs and can easily be eliminated by chipping away at them from down the stairway. Watch out for the Flashbang Grenades that the Agents throw and just go down to the bottom of the stairs anytime Shepard needs to recharge shields. Tela Vasir then shoots the Agent, who falls dead when Shepard and the squad enter. Attempt to defuse the situation, but Liara will mention that Vasir tried to kill her.

Shepard and the squad pull their guns, and Liara tells the story about how Vasir signaled the Shadow Broker's Agents and broke into Liara's apartment. Vasir then killed Sekat and took his data, which she probably still has on her.

However, Liara throws up a barrier to protect the squad and Vasir makes a run for it. Shepard tackles her, and then they fly out the window. Vasir cushions their fall with her biotics and has a small scuffle with Shepard. Then Liara leaps out of the office, also using her biotics to cushion her fall while the squad watches.

Vasir, now outnumbered, makes a run for it. Liara follows closely behind, blowing past two Shadow Broker Agents in the process. The squad rejoins Shepard in the plaza where more Agents emerge from the Eldfell-Ashland Energy office, allowing Vasir to escape.

Deal with the guards and continue pursuing Vasir. Take out the Agents with haste. There are two Agents and a Heavy to deal with initially, so keep to cover. When they fall, more Agents and a Vanguard emerge, so use the fountain in the center for cover.

It not only provides effective cover, but allows for a wide field of fire. Indeed, if it happens to be useful for your tactics, you're actually allowed to get into the fountain. When they all fall, the benefit of leaving the power cells alone earlier will become apparent -- make a quick trip up the central stairs to retrieve them, and the ammo of all your weapons will be replenished.

Now head downstairs and into the atrium. Inside, grab the cover provided by the bench to your left -- resist the tempting large circular column straight in front of you, as its shape makes for more difficult aiming and you aren't allowed to slide smoothly back and forth around the pole.

Take down the ten or so Agents, the Heavies, and the Engineers that try to stop you the mix appears to vary somewhat by difficulty setting. They will keep coming from the door in waves, so stick to cover and target them as they walk in. Overload can be used to instantly destroy the Combat Drones that the Engineers produce, and it's a good idea because getting dislodged from cover by a drone with this many enemies nearby can produce deadly results. Tip: You can prevent most waves of enemies from spawning by getting to the far corner of the room where the Heavy is.

This is most easily done by an Engineer, who need only send the Combat Drone to that side of the room. Vanguards can charge over, Infiltrators can sneak over, etc. Combat Strategy: This entire battle can be completed without straying into the room to be overwhelmed by the shadow broker mercs.

Place Shepard on the second set of stairs looking out into the large room. Have Shepard walk down the stairs to flush out the first of many mercs in this area.

Use weapons and powers to chip away at the mercs and the mercs will stay stuck in cover. Watch out for the Flashbang Grenades that the Agents throw and just walk backwards up the stairs anytime Shepard needs to recharge shields.

Walk back down the stairs and chip away at the mercs in the room until they begin to fall. As you kill a merc, another will spawn out of the doorway to replace the dead merc. Watch out for the Engineers as they will spawn Combat Drones. When this happens, have Shepard go back up the staircase past your squadmates and have them take the drone down to conserve ammo.

Sometimes the mercs will stay in cover that will require Shepard to move out into the room to take them down. Watch out for the Shadow Broker Heavy in the back left corner!

The Heavy will stay stuck in cover and will not move out of cover until Shepard goes out into the room after the Heavy.

When the mercs are all finally down, gather up ammo and head out the door to find Liara and Vasir engaged in a firefight. Tip: Save before you enter the door as you will be unable to save until after the sky way chase.

Vasir calls her X3M and then jumps into it. Liara then grabs a taxi, followed by Shepard. You can only select one squad member to come with, but remember that Liara is a biotic so pick carefully. On the other hand a squadmate with Warp to detonate Liara's Singularity is quite handy. Since Miranda has both Warp to combo with Liara and Overload to take down shields, she makes an excellent pairing. Other notable strategies include Thane who combines Warp combo powers with Shredder Ammo for all the upcoming organic enemies, and the easily-forgotten Morinth whose Dominate can run all the organics in circles attacking each other.

Keep following Vasir through the skies, and watch out for the traffic, and every other obstacle. Just keep in mind that boosting reduces the amount of control you have.

If you lose Vasir, the chase will restart. Your boost is more effective if you use it in bursts, especially right after changing directions, rather than simply holding it down.

Liara will be commenting the whole time, which Shepard usually replies to, and the conversations are usually funny. Sometimes, however, her conversations help with direction. After a period of time, Vasir will start dropping proximity bombs, so avoid them, lest you lose speed. Tip: You do not have to repeat the entire sky way chase if you fail right at the end.

Once you get far enough into the chase, if you fail, you will respawn in the middle of the chase. Keep following Vasir and try to avoid a head on collision. Eventually, you are treated to a cutscene where Vasir tries to ram Shepard and the squad out of sky, while dodging traffic, but only succeeds in colliding with another skycar, and damaging hers.

Shepard and the squad see the crash and land their intact cab on the top of the building to pursue Vasir, who radios for backup. You now have Liara as a squad member. She is armed with Heavy Pistols and Submachine Guns.

Save your game before you move! This is very important as the upcoming battle can go wrong very fast and you will have to redistribute Liara's squad points all over again. It also instantly destroys the flying drones you will encounter from time to time, and of course it has its traditional ability to simplify a combat by temporarily removing a flanking enemy, with the added bonus that the enemy falls down at the end of the stasis.

For these reasons fully upgrading Liara's Stasis with the Enhanced Stasis evolution is strongly recommended, particularly on higher difficulty levels. Squadmate Powers Tip: Fully max out Asari Scientist and split your points up to get as much Stasis and Warp you can and don't waste any extra points on Singularity. The upcoming Shadow Broker Base mission will require quickly killing Vanguards at close range and a nasty section with multiple rocket drones at once.

You can't redistribute Liara's points once you've selected them and while the upcoming rooftop battle isn't fun, the Shadow Broker Base multiple wave battle is much worse and you want your points spent correctly for that battle. Head up the stairs only to be ambushed by three to five waves of Shadow Broker Agents and Engineers. The first wave will be to your front, the second and third off to either the left or right on the upper platform, or behind you on the lower platform, so plan your cover appropriately.

However, the subsequent waves will not appear until the previous one has been eliminated. On higher difficulties, the next wave flies in after a squad has been reduced to one member, so move quickly and eliminate the enemy before you are flanked by the new arrivals.

Combat Strategy: Be aware that the instant you move the first wave of mercs will show up so you need to get to cover quickly. Ignore the med-kit for now unless you aren't full already also don't be stingy with Medi-gel during this fight as you will have plenty of refills afterwards.

There is a left stairway, a middle stairway, and a right stairway in this area. An optimal spot to fight this battle from is in between the two parked vehicles just to the right of the middle stairway. Once you get there and are facing away from the edge of the building, to your left will be a large van that is fairly tall for cover which is excellent, and to your right will be a red skycar.

Place your squadmates in the corners where the fronts of the vehicles meet the high wall in front of you, and remember that you might need to "remind" them to stay there after each wave. You will be almost totally safe from enemy fire here as the enemies you face generally won't try to rush you and instead congregate on the raised area up the stairs above you.

Shepard can hug the wall or get in the corner against the van and the wall to be totally out of the line of fire in order to recharge shields. The first wave of mercs will drop while you are moving to cover and will run to the elevated cover above you. The mercs can be hard to hit as they go to cover often and run back and forth but they can be chipped away at slowly and safely from your "safe zone" with weapons and powers.

Keep an eye on your ammo, but don't worry if you start to get low, you'll be able to fill up once this fight is over. Also keep in mind that enemy Engineers can recharge their shields periodically so make sure you kill them outright or at least do damage to their health bars before they have a chance to do this.

There are two major threats in this cover position: one is the Combat Drones that the Engineers will spawn there is one Engineer with each wave , and the second is the chance that a wave of enemies will land right on the ledge near the exposed rear of your cover position where each enemy wave after the first touches down is random and you could get unlucky.

If this happens, don't panic.


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