How long is lake serene hike

Even with a heavy mist shrouding Mount Index and the falls, we could see the bright green forest contrast against the stark turquoise of the frigid water. We took some time to stop, take the kids off, eat some food, take some pictures, and collect ourselves. But, let me tell you, we really felt the temperature change at that point. It went from 63 degrees at the bottom to 41 at the top, and since we were soaking wet, we started shivering, and we knew it was time to go back down.

Naively, I thought the descent would be easier. It was almost harder, trying to rein in our desire to run, keep the kids from falling, trying to stop ourselves from slipping in the mud, etc. People encouraged us. We made it. Seven and a half hours later, we made it back to the trailhead. With that, I went while it rained the entire time and it got cooler as I went up in elevation. Bring gloves! Even with the rain, the fog was incredibly beautiful as it hid the mountain tops.

It does get quite slick so again proper shoes are a lifesaver. The lake is great although unable to see above the ridge line due to weather. Some snow on the mount side but not on the trail.

Also, only a couple of people honored trail etiquette here hikers descending should give the right of way to ascending hikers and I clocked 8.

Great hike with beautiful view at the lake and lunch rock. A bit longer then we expected - we logged around 10 miles.

Also intense and steep, with very rocky trail. Started at a and there were only a handful of cars there. This hike is pretty technical due to how rocky it is in so many areas. And the stairs are a definite ass buster.

We got to the lake right at and had maybe mins there before the sun went behind the mountain so I suggest starting around if you want more time with the sun. Beautiful day and the falls were cool too. Always fun! There are a few blowdowns over the trail before Bridal Veil, but they're easy to cross.

There were a few larger groups that were pretty loud, but that's more common on this trail I guess Beautiful hike, Bridal Veil falls was stunning. Lots and lots of rocks so the descent is quite tough if you have knee trouble. Lots of stairs and rocks. The stairs are pretty maintained. The rocks are a little challenging due to its various sizes.

We were a little exhausted in the return. Arrived at 7a on Saturday. At the lake, there were about 12 people on lunch rock. Very pleasant. Got lots of tips for other hikes. Trail is well maintained. Two fallen trees to duck under. Many stairs that are in good shape and make the going easier.

Stopped at the falls on the way back. Reached the parking lot at 3p: 70 cars. Trail was in great condition, crisp early fall weekend day Saturday. A few areas of scramble downed tree etc. Bring good boots. We did only the Lake Serene portion and it took us 2 hr 39 minutes, with elevation and 7. Suggest bringing water tabs as one can up water at lake. We even jumped in! Great hike. Headed out from the trail at roughly am on a Saturday morning.

This gave me the whole lake to my self for roughly a half hour before others started to show up. The trail offered a good climb and decent views. The downsides are it appears to be highly trafficked and so hiking later in the day could be less enjoyable.

This might not be great for beginners or children though and could offer safety issues. Overall I really enjoyed it and would visit again once some snow begins to fall. Use Navigator in the AllTrails app and join the other outdoor explorers who have completed this trail. Bridal Veil Falls and Lake Serene hard Length Lake Serene is an alpine lake nestled in the Cascade mountains of Washington State.

Make sure to get an early start in order to get a parking spot at the trailhead. What the trail lacks in length, it makes up for in elevation gain. The first mile and a half winds across a well manicured and slightly inclined path, at the end of which you can choose to go another mile on Bridal Veil Falls Trail to Bridal Veil Falls or another two miles to Lake Serene.

The extra mile is certainly worth the side trip to see the falls. One you have returned to Serene Lake Trail, the two miles to the lake traverse a large climb, through a series of long, wooden steps, rocky passages, and switchbacks. Approximately 1. Once you reach the lake, you will be rewarded by the stunning blue lake surrounded by high ridges and remnants of the previous winter snowfall.

Find a spot along this gorgeous lake to eat lunch and take a rest. From the lake, you can also cross a log bridge and take a short trail that will take you to a large, smooth rock named "Lunch Rock", where you will find people relaxing and jumping into the lake. When you are ready, return via the way you came.

A half-mile spur off the main trail leads up to Bridal Veil Falls. It's well worth the effort, and an easier alternative to climbing the switchbacks to Lake Serene. Note exceptionally large old growth Sitka spruce, Western red cedar and Western hemlock trees past the Bridal Veil Falls junction. Max group size is Pack out all garbage.

Practice Leave No Trace Ethics. Fishing is allowed with a valid WA state fishing license. Contact the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for more information. A free day use or overnight Wilderness Permit must be filled out at the TH and carried for the duration of your trip in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Dogs must be leashed at all times in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Stunning views and quite woods surround this trail, but don't be deceived.

This is a steep hike, and I firmly recommend boots with well fitting ankle support. The Bridal Veil Falls can be reached via the main trail, and once you have ascended the ladder-walkways, it's a fantastic opportunity to rest and relax.

Ascending to Lake Serene requires you to backtrack down the trail, and to then hike back into the mountain pass. Round trip, the hike was 5hrs. Fairly hard hike but the reward at the top is worth the effort. After work on a Thursday, I just did a spontaneous hike. Got at the parking lot around I completed this hike during March, which left me encountering snow towards the top of the hike and surrounding Lake Serene.

But this was just another beautiful sight. Watching snow fall from atop the high rock outcrops, and giving complete peace and quiet. Views from atop are excellent and breathtaking. A great day hike for anybody interested. Would love to go back during the summer.

Because this lake is hidden by the tall peaks surrounding it, it creates a nice blockage from any light pollution. This makes it a great location to view stars! Not much to see during the hike itself, but the Lake itself is incredible and unmatched.

Not for the faint of heart, I'd suggest getting an early start because of crowds and in the winter, well, you know The sun setting at i'm not salty. Hit the falls on the way up, you're not gonna feel like seeing them on the way back, trust me!

Great hike! Challenging, yet doable for your average hiker. Go early on a hot day and take a dip in gorgeous lake serene but the time you reach it you'll appreciate the refresher during hot summer days. We made it to the far side of the lake for easy water across and privacy, but the latter didn't last long.


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